The Toronto Maple Leafs are on an another skid, and of course, the vulchers are out. When you look at the situation, who in his right mind would want to take on a sinking ship ? And if they do decide to can Ferguson jr and Paul Maurice, will the people coming in, make it a better team ? I doubt it.
I can tell you right off the bat,eliminate Scotty Bowman, he is not interested. Do the same with Steve Yzerman, as he is being schooled to take over in Detroit, which is and has been the sunnier side of the moon for sometime now. Who is left ?
A poll in the Toronto star, shows that Colin Campbell and Steve Yzerman would make the best pairing. Glen Healy and Mark Messier, came in second. It’s no time to bring in on the job trainees. No too many experienced candidates for the GM position. For the coaching position, you may have better luck. Would you want to bring back a coach that you have fired before?
All of this, the circus atmosphere,has to surely bring back old memories, you remember when Harold Ballard was running the show. Not much different, just different actors and different times, same old show.The Ballard show ran for over twenty years, how long will the sequel run for ?
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