Hello Folks,
I'm new to this Blogging thing, please be patient as i learn, but we will have fun and discuss the game we all love. Why CoachBowman2006ca? I have always liked Scotty Bowman. Who does not like a winner, Mr.Bowman has more wins than alot of players will ever play in their careers. I do not have his great knowledge or experience in hockey, but i think, that thru over 30 years of watching hockey, I think i have a good baggage of knowledge to get my points across and read yours while respecting your opinions. I ask that in your comments, you be polite, you don't have to agree with me, but respect others that may not be of your opinion. I think we had an interesting season in 2005-06, and 2006-07 should be as exciting. Who knows, maybe the legendary coach may drop by to say hi. It's summer, it's hot and humid, a good way to cool off, talk hockey, well until September, of the CBA and the signings that have occured. Give me time to come up with a subject and I will get back to you with my first official posting.
Thank you,
I just hope i do well.
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