Richard Labbé from LaPresse newspaper has spoken to some of the most influential player agents in the league, and tells us not too expect big names to move.Mr. Labbé spoke with Rich Curran, whos stable includes the Staal Brothers,Jeff Carter and Jason Spezza.Curran mentions that '' If teams don't start moving at once, it could be a long day, and a major deception for a lot of people, including those in the media.''
With a lot of teams being restricted by cap space,Curran doesn't see big names being moved.
Don Meehan, an another influential agent, believes the big moves will take place during the summer. In the whispers heard, the cap that was set at 56.7 million this season, could drop to 52 million for next season. I guess that is why big names may not be moved until teams know what the cap will really be in 2009-10.
Sam Carchidi,has an interesting article at philly.com. He looks at the role the pro scouts will have in tomorrow's deadline day. No, they don't sit around eating popcorn in 1000$ suits. Check it out.
More later folks !